

Final year applicants who would like to attend any summer programmes endorsed by HSUHK should remain as a HSUHK student within the summer programme duration and are requested to apply for graduation upon completion of summer programme. (For UG students, please visit Registry’s website by clicking HERE. For TPG students, please click HERE.


Seinan Gakuin University

Seinan Summer Japanese Program 2025

A 4-week programme delivering excellent linguistic training in a richly international environment to all participants. It provides students with intensive Japanese training through experience-based learning and many interactive activities.

16 Jun – 17 Jul 2025

Application fee (non-refundable): JPY 12,000

Programme Fee for Partner Institution: JPY 170,000, including

  • tuition
  • course materials
  • accommodation on campus
  • field trips

Students also pay for:
1. round-trip airfare
2. meals
3. personal expenses
4. travel insurance
5. visa application fee if applicable

Up to 80 from different universities (Application is on first come, first served basis.)

Language Proficiency Requirements:
Applicants must demonstrate sufficient English* and/or Japanese proficiencies to catch up with the classes conducted in English and/or Japanese.
*TOEFL-PBT 550, TOEFL-IBT 79-80, IELTS 6.0 or equivalent English level preferred.

FASP recipients can apply for SSE offered by EDB. For details, please refer to SAO’s website, click HERE.

Programme Information:
Click HERE


Nanzan University

Nanzan Summer Japanese Program

An 8-week intensive Japanese classes for students to enhance their Japanese language skills. Six levels of classes are offered, from beginner to pre-advanced. While learning Japanese at classes, all students can join fieldtrips to explore central Japan.

2 Jun – 31 Jul 2025

Programme Fee:
JPY 315,390, including tuition fee (JPY 280,000), registration fee (JPY 30,000) and accident insurance (JPY 5,390*)
* The amount is subject to change.

Housing Fee:
from JPY 122,000 to JPY 185,000, the amount varies according to the housing type.

Students also pay for:
1. round-trip airfare
2. meals
3. personal expenses
4. travel insurance
5. visa application fee if applicable

Up to 70 from different universities

FASP recipients can apply for SSE offered by EDB. For details, please refer to SAO’s website, click HERE.

Programme Information:
Click HERE


Nanzan University

Nanzan Anime Study Tour

A 3-week study tour for students to explore Japanese culture and society through appreciating and studying Anime. The tour includes lectures about Japanese Anime in English and 3 field trips to visit Anime-related places around central Japan.

23 Jun – 12 Jul 2025

Programme Fee: JPY 450,000, including 

  • 19-night hotel accommodation fee with 19 breakfasts  
  • inbound insurance
  • pocket Wi-Fi rental 
  • 3 field trip transportation (meals and entrance fees are NOT included) 

Students also pay for:
1. round-trip airfare
2. meals
3. personal expenses
4. travel insurance
5. visa application fee if applicable

Up to 20 students from different universities (If the number of applications exceeds the tour capacity, Nanzan University will make a selection accordingly.)

FASP recipients can apply for SSE offered by EDB. For details, please refer to SAO’s website, click HERE.

Programme Information:
Click HERE


South Korea

Chonnam National University

Chonnam National University International Summer Session

The Chonnam National University (CNU) is one of the ten Flagship Korean National Universities. Its International Summer Session offers participants an opportunity to experience an intellectual adventure with renowned CNU and international scholars. Participants can take up to 2 courses over a 4-week period while immersing themselves in unique cultural excursions, creating lasting memories.

30 Jun – 25 Jul 2025

Programme Fee for HSUHK students:
KRW 1,500,000 (including application fee, tuition fee, accommodation and activities)

Students also pay for:
1. round-trip airfare
2. meals
3. personal expenses
4. travel insurance
5. visa application fee if applicable

Participants can apply for Non-means-tested SSEBR (local students) or Means-tested SSEBR (FASP recipients) offered by EDB. For details, click HERE.

Programme Information:
Click HERE


Kyungpook National University

2025 KNU Summer School

Kyungpook National University (KNU) is one of the ten Flagship Korean National Universities located in Daegu, the southeastern part of South Korea. The KNU Summer School is a 2-week programme including both basic and intermediate level Korean language classes. Participants experience both the traditional and vibrant aspects of Korean culture through immersive cultural activities.

1 – 14 Aug 2025

Programme Fee for HSUHK students:
USD 1,200 (including tuition fee, accommodation, activities and lunches)

Students also pay for:
1. round-trip airfare
2. meals not included in the programme fee
3. personal expenses
4. travel insurance
5. visa application fee if applicable

Participants can apply for Non-means-tested SSEBR (local students) or Means-tested SSEBR (FASP recipients) offered by EDB. For details, click HERE.

Programme Information:
Click HERE


  1. Fill in the application form by clicking HERE. HSUHK will nominate students to KNU;
  2. Upon nomination of GAO, participants need to submit online application to KNU (HERE) and settle the payment of programme fee by 2 May 2025.

Internal Application Deadline:
6 Apr 2025

Sogang University

Sogang International Summer Program

Sogang University is one of the top private universities in Seoul. The Sogang International Summer Program (SISP) is a 4-week programme for students who wish to explore Korea and engage in cultural exchanges with peers and faculty members from around the world. Students can participate in rigorous classes, fascinating field trips, and extracurricular activities alongside Sogang University students.

26 Jun – 24 Jul 2025


Programme Fee for HSUHK students:
1 Course: KRW 1,360,000
2 Course: KRW 2,080,000

Dormitory Fee:
KRW 800,000

Field Trip Fee (Optional):
KRW 610,000

Students also pay for:
1. round-trip airfare
2. meals
3. personal expenses
4. travel insurance
5. visa application fee if applicable

Participants can apply for Non-means-tested SSEBR (local students) or Means-tested SSEBR (FASP recipients) offered by EDB. For details, click HERE.

Programme Information:
Click HERE


  1. Click HERE to apply via Sogang University

  2. Upon application, please also inform Global Affairs Office (GAO) by clicking HERE. GAO will arrange travel insurance application for participants.

Application Deadline:
23 May 2025


South Korea

Hanyang University

2024 Hanyang International Winter School

A 3-week academic programme for international students to attend Korean classes and various courses taught in English, participate in cultural field trips and make new friends. This programme is held at Hanyang SEOUL Campus.

Session A: 24 Dec 2024 – 10 Jan 2025 (around 3 weeks)


Programme Fee:
KRW 1,500,000 (includes KRW 100,000 non-refundable Application Fee)
– Original Fee: KRW 1,700,000 (10% OFF for HSUHK students)

Accommodation: KRW 500,000

Students also pay for:
1. round-trip airfare
2. meals
3. personal expenses
4. travel insurance
5. visa application fee if applicable

Participants can apply for Non-means-tested SSEBR (local students) or Means-tested SSEBR (FASP recipients) offered by EDB. For details, click HERE.

Programme Information:
Click HERE
