Nanzan Summer Japanese Programme (Summer & Winter Programmes)

Nanzan Summer Japanese Program provides 4-week or 8-week intensive programmes for students to study Japanese language and culture, join internship in Japan and participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities.

Course A: 5 June to 1 August 2023 (8-week Japanese studies)
Course B: 5 June to 1 August 2023 (4-week Japanese studies + 4-week Internship)
Course C: 3 July to 1 August 2023 (4-week Japanese studies)

Course A and Course B:
Tuition: ¥260,000
Housing Fee: around ¥120,000
Handling Fee (student insurance fee included): ¥30,000

Course C:
Tuition: ¥130,000
Housing Fee: around ¥60,000 (No homestay option)
Handling Fee (student insurance fee included): ¥30,000

Other Expenses:
1. Round-trip airfare
2. Meals
3. Personal expenses

FASP recipients can apply for SSE offered by EDB, the amount depends on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO. For details, click Here.

Programme Information
Click Here 
