HSUHK International Carnival 2021

HSUHK International Carnival 2021

All students spent a happy afternoon together at the International Carnival. Students took the opportunity to make new friends during the International Carnival. France won the most favourite booth. The International Carnival, organised by the Student Affairs Office and held on 11 November 2021, aims at promoting cultural diversity at HSUHK. With face-to-face teaching and […]

Orientation and Activities for Fall Semester Inbound Exchange Students (2021/22)

Orientation and Activities for Fall Semester Inbound Exchange Students (2021/22)

Exchange students attended an online orientation. The moon festival celebration attended by exchange students. The Inspiring Carnival attended by exchange students. A language teaching session was hosted by exchange students too. This September, HSUHK is pleased to have received 18 inbound exchange students, including the first group of students from Latvia and Spain. The rest […]

Orientation and Activities for Spring Semester Inbound Exchange Students (2020/21)

Orientation and Activities for Spring Semester Inbound Exchange Students (2020/21)

Exchange students participated in various online activities Sanitizer bottles with stickers from Liberal Arts@HSUHK, designed by exchange students Exchange students spent a great time in DIY hand sanitizer workshop In January 2021, HSUHK is pleased to have received a group of 13 exchange students from Austria, Canada, France, Germany, South Korea and Taiwan respectively. An […]

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