

韓國漢陽大學(ERICA校區)代表Yejin Park女士和 Minju Jung女士於2023年12月12日到訪香港恒生大學,與環球事務處和環球交流事務委員會代表會面,瞭解恒大最新的發展。漢陽大學代表並向學生介紹其2024暑期課程。課程不僅提供多元化的科目,還有豐富的活動,讓同學瞭解韓國的傳統和現代文化。漢陽大學自2016年起與恒大建立了夥伴關係。

Visit by Hanyang University ERICA, South Korea

Visit by Hanyang University ERICA, South Korea

Group photo of Ms Yejin Park (2nd left) and Ms Minju Jung (2nd left) with Dr Ken Yau(1st right), Head of Global Affairs and representative of Global Exchange Committee Ms Yejin Park and Ms Minju Jung with participants of briefing session Ms Yejin Park and Ms Minju Jung, Associate Managers from the Office of International […]

歡送2023年秋季交換生  -「香港街道牌」工作坊

歡送2023年秋季交換生 -「香港街道牌」工作坊

香港恒生大學於 2023年12月6日舉辦了「香港街道牌」工作坊 ,以送別本學期到港的交換生,並祝褔他們期未一切順利。香港街道牌的名稱五花八門,滙聚中西文化,是香港特色的一部分。因此,活動除介紹交換生香港街道牌的特色、歷史及有趣的街道名外,交換生同時獲贈一塊空白的街道牌,並寫上自己最喜愛的香港地標,把在香港的回憶帶回家,以作記念。

Farewell Gathering for Exchange Students with “Hong Kong Street Calligraphy Sign” DIY workshop

Farewell Gathering for Exchange Students with “Hong Kong Street Calligraphy Sign” DIY workshop

On 6 December 2023, a “Hong Kong Street Calligraphy Sign” DIY workshop was organised to bid farewell to exchange students. Hong Kong street signs have a rich history that reflects the city’s unique multicultural heritage and is one of the symbolic features in Hong Kong. During the workshop, exchange students were introduced to the tradition […]




Cantonese Learning Partner Programme

Cantonese Learning Partner Programme

In order to enable Mainland students to adapt to life in Hong Kong and increase their integration with local students, Student Affairs Office launched the “Cantonese Learning Partner Programme” in November and recruited 11 local students to serve as “Cantonese Learning Partners” to teach Cantonese of daily life for their Mainland peers. The learning partners […]

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