Orientation for Exchange Students (Sem 1 2023/24)

Orientation for Exchange Students (Sem 1 2023/24)

HSUHK was delighted to receive a group of inbound exchange students from Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Mainland China, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland respectively. They were invited to participate in an Orientation organised by the Student Affairs Office on 30 August 2023. During the event, they were presented with integration activities offered by […]

交換生迎新會 (2023/24 第一學期)

交換生迎新會 (2023/24 第一學期)

香港恒生大學於2023年8月31日為本學期來自奧地利、 芬蘭、法國、德國、中國、荷蘭、挪威、西班牙、瑞典及瑞士的交換生舉辦了迎新會。恒大各部門包括學生事務處及英語研習中心,為交換生介紹各類活動。交換生亦與他們的導師、住宿學院院長、教職員等暢談交流。與此同時,教職員亦向他們介紹恒大的運動設施及圖書館的學習設備。我們預祝交換生在香港體驗多采多姿的校園生活。



行政辦公室常務暨學術及研究副校長許溢宏教授(左三)、署理副校長(教學及學生體驗)暨環球交流委員會主席符可瑩教授(右二)、聯同環球事務主管丘梓勤博士(左二)接待由北大黨委副書記、副校長甯琦教授(左三)和香港中研基金會主席司徒維新先生(右一)率領的代表團。 北京大學中研基金會燕園翱翔項目香港研學團 北京大學中研基金會燕園翱翔項目香港研學團於2023年8月4日參訪香港恒生大學(恒大),開展兩校兩地之間的交流與協同發展。行政辦公室常務暨學術及研究副校長許溢宏教授、署理副校長(教學及學生體驗)暨環球交流委員會主席符可瑩教授、聯同環球事務主管丘梓勤博士接待研學團,並介紹恒大的發展概況。 研學團先後參觀馮堯敬堂之尖端傳譯設備,以及金融交易室之彭博資訊及交易系統設備,並於虛擬實境中心體驗以VR技術重塑香港文化遺產虎豹別墅與梵高著名畫作《星夜》。學生事務處事業策劃及發展組主管朱寶儀女士以內地學生在香港發展的行業和機遇爲題,就香港就業市場概況與畢業生走向,為有意來港發展的北京大學學生提供針對性建議。

Visit by Chung-Ang University, South Korea

Visit by Chung-Ang University, South Korea

Ms Dong-young Lee (Right) and Ms Jain Lee (Left) visited HSUHK campus. Ms Jain Lee introduced Chung-Ang University International Summer Program to our students. Ms Dong-young Lee and Ms Jain Lee, Program Coordinators from Office of International Affairs of Chung-Ang University visited HSUHK on 10 May 2023. They also delivered a briefing session on Chung-Ang […]

Visit by Hertford College, Oxford University, UK

Visit by Hertford College, Oxford University, UK

Group photo of Mrs Caroline Rice (2nd left), Mr Andrew Hemingway (2nd right) with Prof Jeanne Fu (1st right) Mrs Caroline Rice introduced the summer programmes of Hertford College to our students. Mrs Caroline Rice and Mr Andrew Hemingway, Co-Directors of International Programmes, Hertford College of Oxford University visited HSUHK on 2 May 2023. They […]

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