

Barbara Brooijmans女士 (右二) 及EPHEC 同學(左二) 與環球事務主管丘梓勤博士 (右一) 及環球事務經理葉美華女士合照 比利時EPHEC 高等商學院國際關係主管Barbara Brooijmans 女士於2024 年2月23 日到訪香港恒生大學,介紹了EPEHC 最新的企業形象及課程資料,同時,恒大也分享了大學的最新發展,包括商學院於去年獲得AACSB國際認證,以及恒大新大樓「創意人文館」 將於2024年3月正式開幕。該大樓備有展覽廊、課室、演講廳及學術辦公室等設施。 Brooijmans 女士更與正在恒大交流的EPHEC 學生會面。 EPHEC 高等商學院自2021年起與恒大建立了夥伴關係。

Visit by EPHEC University College, Belgium

Visit by EPHEC University College, Belgium

Ms Barbara Brooijmans (2nd right), EPHEC student (2nd left), Dr Ken Yau, Head of Global Affairs (1st right) and Ms Mary Ip, Global Affairs Manager Ms Barbara Brooijmans, Director of International Relations and Mobilities from EPHEC University College (EPHEC), Belgium visited the University on 23 Feb 2024 to introduce EPHEC’s new corporate identity and updates […]



On 8 Feb 2024, Global Affairs Office held a Chinese New Year Party for exchange students to experience one of Hong Kong’s most important celebrations and welcome the Year of Dragon! It provided an opportunity for the exchange students to learn CNY customs, including writing Fai Chun in Chinese calligraphy and making traditional sweet dumplings.



Gregg Charron先生 (中)、與環球事務主管丘梓勤博士(左)、環球事務經理葉美華女士(右)合照 Gregg Charron先生恒大同學介紹波士頓大學夏季課程。 波士頓大學代表Gregg Charron先生於2024年1月25日到訪香港恒生大學,與恒大環球事務處會面,並舉行簡介會。Charron先生向恒大同學介紹了波士頓大學夏季課程的資訊。該課程讓同學有機會在波士頓大學以小班教學的形式學習,並和來自世界各地的學生和專業人士交流。

Visit by Boston University, the US 

Visit by Boston University, the US 

Mr Gregg Charron (centre) with Dr Ken Yau (left), Head of Global Affairs and Ms Mary Ip, Global Affairs Manager (right) Mr Gregg Charron introduces Boston University Summer Term to HSUHK students. On 25 January 2024, Global Affairs Office received Mr Gregg Charron, Associate Director, Enrollment and Student Engagement, Summer Term at Boston University. During […]

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