

三藩市州立大學代表Saroj Quinn女士於2023年11月8日到香港恒生大學介紹其大學2024年的暑期課程。課程通過學術研習、實地考察和社交活動,讓同學融入灣區並體驗美國的大學文化。三藩市州立大學自2022年起與恒大建立了夥伴關係。

Visit by San Francisco State University, the US

Visit by San Francisco State University, the US

Group photo of Ms Saroj Quinn (right) with representative of Global Exchange Committee Ms Saroj Quinn, Assistant Dean of College of Professional and Global Education, San Francisco State University (SFSU) visited HSUHK on 8 November 2023 to introduce the summer programmes of SFSU in 2024 which provide opportunities for students to immerse in the culture of SFSU […]



倫敦國王學院代表 Benedict Jones先生於2023年11月6日到訪香港恒生大學,受到環球事務處和環球交流事務委員會的接待。與恒大代表討論合作關係的同時,Jones先生向同學簡介了倫敦國王學院的本科暑期課程。該課程以體驗式研究教學為特色, 除了工作坊、研討會和講座等學術活動,還提供社會文化和體育運動等一系列課外活動,讓學生好好體驗當地文化。

Visit by King’s College London, the UK

Visit by King’s College London, the UK

Group photo of Mr Benedict Jones (centre) with Dr Ken Yau, Head of Global Affairs (left) and representative of Global Exchange Committee Mr Benedict Jones, Programme Developer, Summer Programmes of King’s College London visited the University on 6 November 2023 and was warmly received by the Global Affairs Office and Global Exchange Committee. Upon a […]

Delegation Visit by the Taylor’s University, Malaysia

Delegation Visit by the Taylor’s University, Malaysia

A delegation from Taylor’s University, Malaysia visited HSUHK. The two parties had a fruitful knowledge exchange . The two parties had a fruitful knowledge exchange. Professor Jeanne Fu, Acting Vice-President (Learning and Student Experience) presents souvenir to Ms Yong Yut Ho, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Administration. Led by Ms Yong Yut Ho, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Administration, […]



泰萊大學代表團訪問香港恒生大學。 雙方展開積極討論。 雙方展開積極討論。 署理副校長(教學及學生體驗)符可瑩教授代表恒生大學致送紀念品。 泰萊大學代表團,於2023年11月1日訪問香港恒生大學,並由署理副校長(教學及學生體驗)符可瑩教授、教務長黃若霞博士、資訊科技總監黃寶財教授,以及環球事務主管丘梓勤博士共同接待。

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