Orientation and Activities for Fall Semester Inbound Exchange Students (2021/22)

This September, HSUHK is pleased to have received 18 inbound exchange students, including the first group of students from Latvia and Spain. The rest of the students come from Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Mainland China, the Netherlands, and Switzerland respectively. During their quarantine period, online Cantonese classes were conducted by the buddies to lift their spirits, followed by an online Orientation on 6 September 2021. With the resumption of face-to-face teaching, students were invited to join several face-to-face integration activities, including Moon Festival celebration on 20 September 2021 to learn more about its customs and how to make lanterns. They were also invited to participate in the Inspiring Carnival on 21 September 2021 to interact with local students. Finally, they hosted a simple language teaching session on 21 October 2021 to mingle with local students. We wish all exchange students a fulfilling experience in Hong Kong.